Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving Post - A Little Bit Late

Thanksgiving this year was so much more fun than I anticipated. Not that I thought it would be "not fun," I just enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The husband, kids and I went to my dad and step-mom's house where we were joined by my step-sister and her boyfriend as well as my brother. With everyone there being relaxed and in a great mood and the "fun-ness" of the two dogs, it really was a happy Thanksgiving! Of course on Facebook were the requisite posts from everyone on "what I'm thankful for this year..." which I didn't bother to do, but I figured I'd put up some of the things I'm thankful for right here:

1) God - I know it sounds cheesy to say that, but I really do mean it truthfully. Without God, everything and everyone around me is nothing. He is the tie that holds it all together. He is ever-loving, ever-forgiving (YAY!) and ever-faithful, just to name a few. Recently, I have found myself looking for more of Him and reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis during a recent vacation sort of explained in my head what I've been feeling in my heart. Let's see if I can rephrase what I understand... God is in all of us. When I feel that longing to see God, to learn more about Him, it's that bit of God in me reaching out for Himself. In my mind, it's kind of like a magnet drawn to metal. Not the best analogy, but it makes sense to me!

1) My family - My husband is awesome. He really is. He works hard and he loves us like crazy. He's fun to be around and have deep conversations with. He's also really fun to drink a beer with while we watch a baseball game or hockey game (or whatever) on TV. My kids (as frustrating as they can be sometimes!) are really the light of my life. They are sweet and silly and just a lot of fun to be with. They teach me as much as, or perhaps even more than, I teach them. As homeschoolers, we spend a LOT of time together and I know that could go either way - as if to punctuate my point, literally as I was typing this, my daughter called from a sleepover just to say good morning to me! Did I mention that I LOVE my kids!?!

3) My home - We own a 2 family home and live in the two top floors. My brother lives in the downstairs apartment. It's awesome having family so close. He's been here almost 4 years and he has "come to the rescue" in our house more times than I can count. From things as silly as having extra cooking supplies I've run out of, to fixing our washing machine and replacing our hot-water heater to a host of other things we don't know how to do!

4) My church - The first time I walked in the doors of this building I was most definitely a "seeker." I didn't really know who I was or what I believed beyond a superficial level. I sat down in one of the chairs and listened to the pastor speak and it was if I was "home." Week after week I would listen to, and learn from, him. In the almost 8 years it has been since I walked into this church, I have grown as a Christian, specifically as a person, a mother, a wife and a member of the body. I enjoy serving in several ministries like I never thought I could or would! Well, I guess that's enough for now. Although, I could go on counting my blessings all day! But I think it's time for some breakfast and then time to get the Christmas decorations out so when my daughter comes home we can Deck the Halls!

Happy Thanksgiving.