Monday, October 27, 2014

Book Review: "The Sacred Year" by Michael Yankoski

My latest read, The Sacred Year by Michael Yankoski, is definitely getting added to my favorites list. Yankoski's engaging book was both thought-provoking and inspiring in a way that I was not expecting, but thoroughly enjoyed.

After an experience left him questioning his role and life as a Christian motivational speaker, Yankoski decides to embark on a yearlong quest to reengage his faith by practicing spiritual disciplines such as the Examen, Sabbath, Simplicity, Solitude, Gratitude, and more.

This was a personal story about the challenges, the benefits and the beauty of life intentionally spent living in pursuit of closeness with God.As a person who has been casually interested in pursuing spiritual disciplines for the past several years, this book gives such a wonderful picture of what those can look like in the life of a regular person.  I fully understand that his experiences will not be what mine will be, but that's what made this book so intriguing for me.

This was a little bit on the long side, but it is absolutely worth spending the time to finish and perhaps even use as a starting point to try a spiritual discipline or two.