Thursday, August 21, 2014

Book Review: "Wasted Prayer" by Greg Darley

I just finished Wasted Prayer: Know When God Wants You to Stop Praying and Start Doing by Greg Darley. It's a fairly quick read, coming in just under 200 pages.

The basic premise of this book is that there are times when, as Christians, we are called not to prayer, but to action. While we are certainly not called to stop praying, Darley puts forth that we are not supposed to use prayer as a way to stall from doing things we know we should do, or even things we feel God to be calling us to.

Using biblical examples from David to Paul, the author shows how there are most definitely times when we already know what to do and that not doing it, or even stopping to "pray about it" can actually be disobedient to God.

Since James 2:18 is pretty much how I live my life, "Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works," the title of this book is what initially what drew me in. I was hoping to glean some insight into how to encourage others to give that way of life a try.

While I did enjoy this book, it did have the feeling of it being a little "over fluffed" (if that's a term!) to fill up space in the pages. I am not a biblical scholar, but I'm fairly familiar with the story of David and Bathsheba, and the amount of real estate dedicated to the re-telling of the story, as well as some of the other stories, felt a little unnecessary.

Overall, not a bad book, but perhaps it wasn't quite what I was looking for. Maybe because I don't tend to pray as a way to prevent action I had a hard time connecting. However, if that is a stumbling block for a person, then I highly recommend it as an easy-to-understand lesson on "show[ing] you my faith by my works."