Thursday, November 29, 2012

Review of My Etsy Shop

About 6 weeks or so ago I received a request from a someone who has her own blog chronicling her love for American Girl dolls. She explained to me that she does
"reviews, giveaways, and advertising for doll items on my doll blog. I do detailed reviews on the items, including links, with pictures and everything. Giveaways are also fun too! Advertising can be free to very little cost. Would you be interested? I have around 90 views a day and am know around the blogs as an Etsy fanatic and lover. Everyone comes for reviews and wisdom on Etsy shops."
So, I looked at her blog and realized that she is actually a homeschool kid who runs the blog in her spare time. As a homeschool mom I knew I had no choice but to respond to this request with a yes. After a few emails ("convos" in Etsy speak) when I had a better idea of what she was looking for, my 10 year old and I chose several items to send out to her.

After receiving her message letting me know she received the items and loved them (yay!) she told me she would let me know when she posts her review. Well, the other day I got the link to her site with the review of the PJs I sent to her. I have to say I think she did a great job! She dressed her doll in the PJs and then added a cute headband and pair of slippers to "complete the look," and posed her for a bunch of photos. At the end of the review she used the questions she had asked me and framed them in the setting of me being interviewed by her doll, Victoria. Super cute idea. I loved it.

Below is the gist of her review. But it really is worth looking at her blog for the whole thing with all the photos.
The PJs are made from a light weight cotton print. The print is a baby blue with white polka dots (very small) all over! It fastens with velco, for an easy and helpful way to dress. The buttons are a deeper blue and look very tied in with the outfit. The pants are adorable and simple, two things pants need to be! They stick out a little like flare pants.
All in all, this was a fun experience. I enjoyed encouraging another homeschooler as well as letting my daughter see what "a kid can do" with something that interests her.