Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Book Review: "God in Slow Motion" by Mike Nappa

Have you ever started reading a book and by the beginning of the second chapter you think of all the people you know who could really use this kind of book? (In a good, encouraging kind of way - not a self-righteous, "I'm trying to fix you" kind of way!) Mike Nappa's God in Slow Motion is the latest book to fall into that category for me.
With chapter titles like, "Mysterious Grace," "Stolen Miracles," and "Insulting Greatness," to name a few, this book had my interest before I even started reading. And once I started reading, I was hooked. This was the book I've been looking for - it was rooted in the truth of the Scriptures, but with a very practical, "what this looks like in real life" theme. And for concrete thinkers like myself this book was a true help in my walk.
One of the aspects of this book that was encouraging to me was the section in the “Brutal Love” chapter where Nappa brings to light the promises of Scripture that are not going to be found in current feel-good, prosperity gospel kinds of current literature. You know, the ones like, “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). Real life can be very difficult and it was a great comfort to be reminded that through it all, good, bad, ugly and everything else, Christ is there with us... even when we don't understand or agree with what's happening – and that's a reminder I really need every once in a while.
At the end of the book, the author requests that you don't keep the book, but instead give it away to someone. And as much as I would love to share this, I can't bring myself to give away my copy. I really will be buying copies for those people that I thought of when I started reading. Then we'll see if they can give away theirs at the end!