I am currently in the process of taking down old wallpaper and getting ready to repaint the walls (and most likely some other stuff). I fell in love with the Coastal Cool color collection from Sherwin Williams - not a paid endorsement, just telling you the colors I like - and decided I wanted to try doing a combination of paint and stain to complete this project.
The first thing I did was sand it all down. The finish was in terrible shape so it didn't take a whole lot of effort on the top, but the legs took a little longer. Once it was ready to go I stained the top using Rust-Oleum's Driftwood oil-based stain. I wasn't sure how it would look over the reddish wood, but I think it came out pretty nice!
I painted the legs using Sherwin Williams' Comfort Gray from the Coastal Cool collection. I don't actually live near the ocean, but I love the relaxed, comfortable colors of a beach house.
Once the paint and stain were dry I used a clear, semi-gloss polyurethane top coat on the whole table. I gave the legs two coats, but ended up putting three on the table top, figuring it would get a lot of use in my living room.