My kids and I love watching his Youtube videos; his brand of
humor is right up our alley. So when I saw that Tim Hawkins had a new comedy
book available, I had to read it. In Diary of a Jackwagon, Hawkins gives the reader access to
parts of his comedy journals collected over the past 20 years.
The only hesitation I had was that
his comedy delivery style wouldn’t translate to the written page. In some cases
that held true a bit, but for the most part, this was a really funny book. I
think the parts that I had already seen videos of were a little less funny than
they would have otherwise been, but for the most part this book was pretty
funny! It was a quick read that was easy to pick up and read a chapter or two
and then come back later to read some more.
Without giving anything away, some of the material in this book had me laughing out loud – in front of other people. I had to stop and re-read parts for them. (The section on the “hedge of protection” was so funny that I literally have to try not to laugh when I hear people praying that now!)
This was such a fun book that takes good-natured pokes at the Christian life... with the occasional jab at homeschoolers... :)